

A large part of the population suffers from Dizziness/Vertigo after the age of 40.

Dizziness/Vertigo, as well as migraine and other types of headache, cervicalgia and back pain, may be caused by a misalignment of the upper cervical segment of the spine, as will be explained later.

Dizziness is a general term describing problems with balance, lack of coordination with walking, or lightheadedness, or faintness.

Vertigo is a definite sensation that the environment is rotating in relation to self, or that one is rotating in relation to the environment.

Vertigo is a sign of a vestibular (structures of the inner ear concerned with equilibrium) problem or central nervous (brain and spinal cord) problem whereas dizziness can be a sign of a vestibular problem or a broad range of other problems (cardiovascular, neurological, visual and psychological problems)

Balance is maintained when the vestibular, visual, and proprioceptive (pertaining to the perception of body position, posture, equilibrium and motion) systems of the body are well coordinated together..

These systems work together to keep balance and a sense of where the body is in space. Conflicting signals between these systems, may give rise to dizziness or vertigo.

The brain constantly interprets all inputs from our vestibular, visual, proprioceptive system to maintain our body’s balance, and send information to the eyes or muscles to maintain or correct our balance.

Vertigo may be due to a peripheral cause(it’s a term that refers to inner ear problems) or a central cause (it’s a term that refer to the central nervous system, that is the brain and the spinal cord).

Most common causes of peripheral vertigo:

  • Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV): BPPV is caused by small crystals of calcium carbonate that get dislodged from their normal location and get collected in one of the canal of the inner ear. It’s usually caused by head trauma, but it can also be caused by degeneration of the inner ear hair cells, prolonged bed rest, ear surgery or the process of aging. There is not usually a hearing loss.
    BPPV is usually brought by head movement and it’s usually of short duration.

  • Vestibular neuritis and labyrinthitis: inflammation of the vestibular nerve or the structures of the inner ear caused by bacteria or, more commonly, by a virus. Severe vertigo is usually accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Vestibular neuritis is usually not accompanied by hearing loss whereas labyrinthitis may be associated with hearing loss although usually temporary.

  • Ménière’s disease: the cause is unknown. Large amount of fluid collect in the inner ear. Symptoms include severe and sudden attacks of vertigo, tinnitus (ringing in the ear), feeling of fullness in the ear, temporary or permanent hearing loss.

Causes of central vertigo (vertigo due to central nervous system injuries):

  • migraine related vertigo

  • transient vertebrobasilar insufficiency: the blood supply to the labyrinth comes from the vertebrobasilar system. A failure at the level of blood supply to the brain stem and to the cranial nerve VIII (also known as vestibular-cochlear nerve, which carries information from the inner ear to the brain, and is responsible for both hearing and equilibrium) may provoke vertigo.

  • cervicogenic vertigo: cervicogenic vertigo is diagnosed when other causes of vertigo have been ruled out. It’s associated with neck pathology (cervical spondylosis, arthrosis), and is often caused by head trauma such as motor vehicle accidents. Head movement generally make the symptom worse. There is often an overlap between cervicogenic and other causes of peripheral vertigo.

  • acoustic neuroma: non-benign tumor of the vestibulocochlear nerve characterized by usually unilateral hearing loss, tinnitus (ringing in the ear), dizziness and vertigo. The tumor may be removed surgically.

  • Other cause of central vertigo may be TIA (transient ischemic attack), stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson.



As mentioned above, one of the causes of dizziness / vertigo is a misalignment of the skull, of the first cervical vertebra and of the cervical segment of the spine, leading to an aberrant spinal curvature. This may interfere with the delicate balance between the vestibular, visual and proprioceptive systems of the body, generating dizziness / vertigo.

In addition to the function performed by the vestibular system in maintaining balance, the proprioceptors (sensory receptors that detects motion or position of the body) play a major role in preserving optimum stability.

When the first cervical vertebra deviates from its position the head tilts. As a result the cervical spine shifts, trying to counterbalance and support the head’s weight. This will give rise to an aberrant spinal curvature and in a variety of symptoms such as dizziness or vertigo, headache and back pain.

This ongoing effort will create a mechanical stress and strain in the whole body, and may give rise to a variety of symptoms such as headache, vertigo\dizziness, back pain.

The nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord, and spinal nerves. The nervous system controls, regulates, and affects all body functions.

There are spaces between each vertebra allowing nerves, which are extensions of the spinal cord, to supply and connect every part of the human body.

When the spinal column is misaligned, the nervous system is unable to function as it should, thereby leading to a variety of symptoms and diseases.

Years of clinical research have shown that many of the problems associated with spinal misalignment and their consequences can be associated with the atlas vertebra, the top cervical bone in the neck.

For over half a century, this technique has been successfully used in North America for the treatment of vertigo and dizziness

With a repositioning of the cervical segment of the spine in its proper alignment, the rest of the spinal column comes into better biomechanical positioning and the stress on the spine  will decrease gradually.
This is done after an accurate analysis with mathematical calculation. With the help of a special instrument the cervical spine is corrected in a painless and non-invasive manner.
This unique treatment, specifically tailored for each patient, has major advantages: avoiding all risks associated with surgery and side effects of medication.

Often hidden by other concomitant forms of vertigo, the “cervicogenic” vertigo, when treated with this innovative approach, brings about a major improvement of the vertiginous symptoms as a whole.

-Treatment for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) consist of a series of head and body movements to move the crystals of calcium carbonate out of the canal.

– Vestibular neuritis and labyrinthitis usually resolve on their own with rest. In case of bacterial infection, antibiotics are prescribed. If the infection is viral, sedatives or antihistamines may be prescribed. Vestibular rehabilitation (retraining exercise to regain balance) may also help alleviate symptoms.

– In case of Ménière syndrome sedatives or antihistamines may be prescribed and vestibular rehabilitation (retraining exercise to regain balance) may help alleviate symptoms.