Origin of Disorders

The Origin of Many Disorders

The Origin of Many Disorders

In addition to common back and neck pain, the most common pathologies resulting from the subluxation of the atlas include alteration of the normal curvature of the cervical spine, scoliosis, and changes in the alignment of the shoulders and pelvis.

These and other changes in the alignment affect the structural integrity of the skeletal system. This in turn can result in a host of other symptoms and problems, especially headaches, neck, and facial pain, balance disorders, temporomandibular joint dysfunction, and so on.


It is important to note that good posture (as will be discussed below) is necessary for optimal movements and particularly for sports performance.

The subluxation of the atlas affects the entire spinal structure. The spine is like a long chain; when the first link is twisted, each subsequent link turns accordingly, thereby disrupting the rest of the chain.

Similarly, with time the misalignment of the first vertebra (atlas) will cause a twisting of the entire spine. A subluxated atlas, therefore, can cause a variety of symptoms throughout the body.

Our spinal column is composed of 24 vertebrae. The spaces between each vertebra allow nerves to supply and connect every part of the human body. When the spinal column is misaligned, for example due to the compression of two adjacent vertebrae, these nerves are unable to function properly, causing problems to various parts of the body.

Moreover, the blood flow in the cervical spine can also be considerably affected by the compression of two vertebrae.

The nervous system controls and regulates all body functions. As in a sophisticated computer, nerves branch out from the spine to different parts of the body.